Tuesday, September 22, 2009

for little madison

i am blessed with good friends, really good friends infact.

rigby, as i like to call her, is one of them, and she just had a baby girl.
the flower mobile i posted earlier is her gift. today i made a card so rigby could write her sweet baby a note, telling her how special and loved she is. 


i sewed fabric onto card stock, glued on an 'm' that i traced onto a different fabric. hand sewed a button and loop to keep closed. simple & easy.  





Jay and Camille said...

As I sit here at 5 in the morning feeding little miss m I am amazed at how lucky I am to friends like you. You have no idea how thankful I am for you and william. madi and I are looking forward to seeing you both today.

Anonymous said...

ooooooh! So cute! did you use the heatnbond? I LOVE it!

Heidi Sue Photography said...

Crystal - you are so talented and it seems like you only collect talented friends ;) Awesome flower mobile and I love the card! I posted some more pictures of our mentering session, you look way HOT!